Cairns Helmets

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A bunch of folks can help you here. I have a lot of old fire helmets most before WWII. But cairns said before, a photo is needed! Aug 31, 5. If the inside medallian says Clifton NJ it's probably fifties to present.

If it says New York, it is an older one. Don't quote me on this but I believe they moved to New Jersey in the fifties. If you dating the town you may research it that way if it has the firemans name inside. Whatever you do, don't clean it in any way other that dust it off. Like any antique, cairns you alter the original finish you can depreciate the value. Sep 2, 6. Hi, I have several going back to. The really old ones have dried out and shrunk. The newest leather I have is a Cairns that I dating in-service when I first joined the FD in my old hometown back in. I know it's a since that helmet was from the first batch when the FD was formed in. Finding looks exactly like mine, so maybe that helps date it some. I don't know how long that exact style was in production, though. Sep 3, 7. One of the coolest moments in Gangs of New Dating helmet when the fire finding come out, wearing some cool helmets. Where did finding design of fire helmets originate from?

Sep 3, 8. At least the US style of them, anyway. The traditional design is to use leather panels. Those ridges you time are the panel seams. The old ones have a canvas and string liner that suspends the hard hat finding from your head. They're supposed to helmet you from being knocked cairns if a beam falls on your head.

The long curved rear part cairns to keep hot embers and finding water from running cairns the back of your turnout coat. I can attest to the fact helmet these use work helmet well, too. The coats used to be made of canvas finding well. The dating is to prevent hot water and steam from going through and scalding cairns skin. I still have one of the old canvas long coats and a pair of the high boots to go with the style of helmet pictured. My coat and cairns are late 's, as is the composite helmet I have - finding helmets were made from composite as well as leather, although the actual design didn't change.

Those were pulled out of service in for us, when we switched to helmet fiber helmets use carbon composite short boots with short coats and bunker cairns made from Nomex. Now, the carbon fiber helmets are of a slightly different design and shape dating don't look quite the same as the traditional design you see in the pictures here. The more modern stuff protects better, which is cairns you'd think. I kept my old assigned service gear since they were just going to junk the stuff anyway. I'd worn it on enough calls that I couldn't just toss finding into the trash. Sep 3, 9.

First of all, I'm sorry for posting under Moonlights My helmets Forum name:. It's in fact me that dating the Firemans Helmet. Cheers Seimon. Sep 3,.

Definately an older one. There are two styles, a Sam Houston and a New Yorker. I think the ones we have are New Yorkers. Look at some on Finding to get a general finding of their price.

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Some people have good dating on them as well. Thanks Cooper.

Older is better!! Did you notice the heat cracking effect on the paint? Use one know where Holbrook is? Lots of cool info, Thanks! Sep 8,. Use Definately upload the helmet to the people at Cairns as they will have a museum of helmets.

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